In accordance to the Vision of the Church 'Equip, Empower, Evangelize', equipping the body of the church to effectively fulfill 'The Great Commission' given by Jesus Christ is considered as high priority. Many training sessions are conducted.
Listed below are some of the trainings which are conducted on a regular basis.
This course is for new believers. The objective of this course is to provide a deeper understanding of the Christian Truth and Faith.
The following topics are taught :
Water Baptism
Being Born Again, Grace & Fellowship
Blood of Jesus Christ
Holy Spirit
Healthy Living
Foundation Course
Leadership Training
As part of our vision we equip every member of the church, leadership training is for those who have the heart to serve as servant leaders exhibiting Christlikeness as a lifestyle
Marriage Preparatory Course
This course is meant for individuals who intend to settle down in marriage and desire to know God's Word regarding choosing their life partners.
Married For Life Course
This is a 12 week course and meant only for married couples. It's a life transforming course which leads each couple to live a Christ centered marriage.
Couples attending all 12 sessions are awarded a certificate of graduation.
Pastor Donald & Neeta Benedict have been running this course since 2011.