God has created every human in His likeness and image and put in them a place that none can fill except Him alone.
Mankind has been searching for various avenues to fill that void and finds none satisfying.
God's word, "The Bible" states in the gospel according to John chapter 3 verse 16 that God (The true and living God) loved the world (Everyone) so much that He gave His only Son (Christ Jesus) so much that whoever believes in Christ Jesus will be saved and have eternal life.
As Jesus, The Son of the Most High God walked upon this earth. He said in the gospel according to John chapter 6 and verse 35 "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."
As you read this message that comes from my heart, I want to let you know that, "it is the will of God that none should perish". Jesus is calling YOU now to HIM, whoever you are and whatever may be your situation or condition, Jesus loves you more than you can imagine and is waiting for receive you as His very own.
This is my prayer that you would know Jesus and experience His Saving Grace.
Loving God, serving You
Donald Benedict
Founder & Sr. Pastor
Saving Grace Global Ministries