Proverbs 16:3
Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.
Is it a formula for easy success?
But it is deeper than we can think. God has designed us to be connected to be him in everything that we do. He loves to lead us; we need to involve him in our plans. He brings our work to fruition, we must do the first part and he will fulfill the second.
Is it work? Is it your Marriage? Career? Education? Is it your finances? Sometimes we are committed to ourselves and fail to commit it to God. The Lord alone can bless your work to be steadfast, secure, and successful. When we commit it to God, it means, we trust him and it takes off the load from our shoulder, because now he is committed to bring it to pass. This process indeed will bring you closer to our Lord, you will read his word and set a prayer time, ask him to be in control and give you wisdom and understanding in every area.
Beloved, from today onwards commit your thoughts, deeds and words to the Lord before doing it and if it’s his will then he will establish it for you.
God bless you….