Have you ever encounter a near-death experience before?
I was 4 when I walked on the railway track, my little fingers clenching the palm of the young lady who would drop me to my Nursery. That was the only short way to reach the school from the community my parents decided to settle down. Underneath there was creek and both the side of the track was supported with a narrow walking path, making only one person to use it at a time.
The toot of the trains whistled letting us know that he had seen us walking, warning people to move out from its designated route. That day my caretaker was in her own thoughts not realizing that the train had come very close, she stepped aside leaving me alone to face the train. Suddenly I felt panic around me, people pulling me from both the sides frantically, making every effort to save my life. The space between train and me was rapidly closing; I can never forget those moments in my life, the firm grip of someone I felt on my arms lifting me briskly and setting me aside. It was in just a twinkling of my eyes. This was a miracle, that day the angel of God saved me from near-death situation. I waited for the entire train to pass to join the lady who was desperately waiting on the other side, not knowing what has happened to me.
Psalm 86:13For your loving kindness toward me is great, and you have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol. God has saved you many a times; he has assigned security from heaven to watch over he because He loves you passionately.
Father, thank You for protecting, you saved me in a nick of time O Lord. It was Your Holy Hands that pulled me from the train knocking me. Thank You, Lord for Your saving grace. I give you the glory, the honor, the praise and the thanksgiving. Thank You for Your angels that you have assigned to watch over us at all times. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.